Subject : Re: How to monitor police digital communications (Daniel D. Todd) writes:
>Hello All,
> Well I'm not corrupt, gay, a no-coder or even cruel to animals but I am interested in monitoring
>digital public safety transmissions and digital SCA transmissions. What are tehe transmission schemes? I am
>now building the the 741 decoder and have some software for it. Is there police or sca decoder doftware
>available out there? cuold I decode any of this stuff w/my TNC-2? If you are afraid of disseminating this on
>the whole net feel free to e-mail it to me. If you are really paranoid you can even send for a copy of my
>public key!
After looking thru a motorola catalog we had at work, I'll tell oyu what I know about Police Digital comms...
It seems that most of the MDT's in the cop cars are running 4800 bbps or 9600 bps with some kind of sceme called MDC if that helps you. I do konw that it is not the regular old AX-25 that they use...although some agencies, ie: PC Beacn FL polic,e looked like they were using little Henry TNC's with radio schalk you never know...sdepends on the agency.